Musicambia at Lansing

Musicambia’s newest program is at Lansing Correctional Facility (LCF), run in partnership with the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC). In October 2021, Founder/Artistic Director Nathan Schram and Teaching Artist Elliot Cole led a 5-day songwriting workshop at LCF, along with UMKC Professors Yotam Haber and Owen Belcher, and three of their students. Since the initial 5-day workshop, Yotam, Owen and their students have been returning to LCF twice a month during the academic year, to continue working with the workshop participants.

To date, Musicambia has led five songwriting workshops, with more planned for the 2023-24 academic year. Our April and May 2023 workshops were profiled by the Kansas Department of Corrections in this video.

 Last updated: 1-2-24

Teaching Artist Elliot Cole leads Lansing workshop participants in a vocal exercise.